Zcoin team additions

We welcome two new developers to the team

We welcome two new developers to the team, Sproxet and Rustam! As we begin placing greater emphasis on Zcoin's usability, these two new additions will greatly accelerate the development of our Zcoin Electron client along with adding new features to it such as coin swaps and inbuilt update feature.

Sproxet is an anonymous developer that has worked on privacy preserving software for the past 15 years and has contributed significantly to Zcoin's Electron client. Sproxet is also the founder of Signal Eleven, an IT consultancy which focuses on computer security and auditing, software development and cryptographic systems architecture design.

Rustam is a full stack developer but his passion is on front-end development and is experienced in ReactJS and Angular. He graduated with a degree in Mathematics: Computer Sciences from the Yerevan State University. He also enjoys experimenting with music and audio processing, 3d environments, gaming and virtual reality.