
Privasi adalah tentang selangkah lebih maju. Tim di belakang Firo bertanggung jawab atas beberapa protokol privasi blockchain paling signifikan yang pernah tercatat, dan semua teknologi itu dikultivasi menjadi Firo.

lelantus spark

Teknologi Lelantus Spark

Lelantus Spark sangat meningkat dibandingkan pendahulunya, Lelantus dengan alamat Spark fleksibel yang mampu membuat informasi jumlah transaksi menjadi privat dan tidak dapat dilacak dengan sistem tanda tangan digital yang efisien serta dukungan tampilan input dan output. Spark juga memiliki struktur modular yang memungkinkan komponen untuk ditingkatkan seiring dengan munculnya teknologi yang lebih baik sambil menyederhanakan analisis keamanan. Teknologi ini mempertahankan keunggulan Lelantus sebagai mekanisme tanpa trusted setup, serta konstruksi yang mudah dipahami dan berdasarkan asumsi kriptografi yang kokoh.

Makalah Academik

Lelantus Spark: Secure and Flexible Private Transactions

We propose a modification to the Lelantus private transaction protocol to provide recipient privacy, improved security, and additional usability features. Our decentralized anonymous payment (DAP) construction, Spark, enables non-interactive one-time addressing to hide recipient addresses in transactions. The modified address format permits flexibility in transaction visibility. Address owners can securely provide third parties with opt-in visibility into incoming transactions or all transactions associated to the address; this functionality allows for offloading chain scanning and balance computation without delegating spend authority. It is also possible to delegate expensive proving operations without compromising spend authority when generating transactions. Further, the design is compatible with straightforward linear multisignature operations to allow mutually non-trusting parties to cooperatively receive and generate transactions associated to a multisignature address. We prove that Spark satisfies formal DAP security properties of balance, non-malleability, and ledger indistinguishability.

Spats: user-defined confidential assets for the Spark transaction protocol.

In privacy-preserving transaction protocols, confidential asset designs permit transfer of quantities of distinct asset types in a way that obscures their types and values. Spark is a protocol that provides flexible privacy properties relating to addressing, transaction sources and recipients, and value transfer; however, it does not natively support the use of multiple confidential asset types. Here we describe Spats, a new design for confidential assets compatible with Spark that focuses on efficient and modular implementation. It does so by extending coin value commitments to bind and mask an asset type, and asserting in zero knowledge that this type is maintained throughout transactions. We describe the cryptographic components and changes to the Spark protocol necessary for the design of Spats.

Helsing: Private Masternode Staking

Helsing is a protocol extension to Spark that allows for private staking operations not requiring transparent addresses or outputs. Specifically, Helsing provides for Spark-compatible collateral staking and coinbase payouts.


Teknologi Lelantus

Lelantus adalah protokol privasi generasi selanjutnya yang dikembangkan oleh Aram Jivanyan di Firo. Lelantus memungkinkan Anda untuk melakukan pembakaran koin untuk menciptakan koin sama yang sepenuhnya baru dan menyembunyikannya diantara set anonimitas sebesar lebih dari 65,000. Penerima menerima koin Anda dari kumpulan anonimitas ini, yang telah memutuskan tautan dari transaksi yang Anda buat dan semua transaksi sebelumnya yang telah dilakukan jika ada.

Makalah Academik

Lelantus: Private transactions with hidden origins and amounts based on DDH (Aram Jivanyan)

Lelantus is Firo’s next generation privacy protocol which improves on Sigma by removing the requirement of fixed denominations allowing people to burn arbitrary amounts and redeem partial amounts without revealing values or the source. Lelantus doesn’t require any trusted setup and uses only DDH assumptions. It also supports untraceable direct anonymous payments by allowing people to pass the right to redeem to someone else. Lelantus is Firo’s own innovation.

Hierarchical One-out-of-Many Proofs With Applications to Blockchain Privacy and Ring Signatures (Aram Jivanyan)

In this work, we introduce a new method of instantiating one-out-of-many proofs which reduces the proof generation time by an order of magnitude. In certain practical applications our method also helps to fasten the verification process of multiple simultaneously generated proofs. Our approach still results in shorter proofs comprised of only a logarithmic number of commitments and does not compromise the highly efficient batch verification properties endemic to the original construction. We believe this work can also foster further research towards building more efficient one-out-of-many proofs which are extremely useful constructions in the blockchain privacy space and beyond.


Teknologi Sigma

Kami percaya seluruh tujuan blockchain adalah untuk membangun sistem yang tidak memerlukan kepercayaan, dan prinsip yang sama berlaku untuk sistem privasi kami. Inilah sebabnya kami membangun Sigma untuk Zcoin pada tahun 2018 yang menghilangkan persyaratan pengaturan terpercaya di Zerocoin. Sigma menggunakan kurva ECC 256 bit dengan ukuran proof hanya 1,5 kB - 17x yang merupakan peningkatan pada teknologi saat itu. Sigma adalah pendahulu Lelantus, dan menetapkan banyak batu loncatan untuk membawa kita ke tempat kita sekarang ini.

Academic Papers

One-out-of-Many Proofs: Or How to Leak a Secret and Spend a Coin (Jens Groth et al)

One out of Many Proofs (OOOMPs)forms the foundation of Sigma which improves on Zerocoin by removing trusted setup and reducing proof sizes. Firo is also applying some further efficiency modifications to the original paper. Sigma was replaced by Lelantus but the underlying OOOMPs are still used in Lelantus and Lelantus Spark.


Keamanan yang desentralisasi dan adil

Algoritma penambangan Merkle Tree Proof (MTP) Firo dirancang untuk penambangan yang demokratis. Algoritma MTP adalah memori intensif yang meningkatkan biaya pembuatan ASIC dan menjaga agar rantai tetap dapat ditambang oleh perangkat keras komoditas seperti GPU. Node, bagaimanapun, dapat melewati persyaratan memori ini dan memverifikasi bukti-bukti ini secara efisien. Audit yang disponsori Firo pada tahun 2017 membuktikan keefektifan pendekatan dua arah ini. MTP telah digantikan oleh FiroPoW yang memiliki bukti lebih kecil dan strategi tahan ASIC tambahan.

Makalah Academik

MTP: Egalitarian Computing (Alex Biryukov, Dmitry Khovratovich) (revision and improvement funded by Firo)

MTP is the Proof of Work algorithm that Firo uses that promotes egalitarian mining while maintaining quick verification. The original paper had flaws as identified by Dinur and Nadler. Firo organized a bounty to harden MTP and also funded research to solve these issues as reflected in the linked paper. MTP was coded from the ground up by Firo and switched to the MTP algorithm in December 2018. MTP has been replaced by FiroPoW which has stronger ASIC resistance and smaller proof sizes.